Boundparivar Microservice Foundation works to end poverty and exclusion. We do this in the world’s most fragile and conflict-affected areas as well as in the INDIA.

We engage communities to rebuild trust and resilience and increase people’s self-reliance. Our professionals provide humanitarian assistance and create opportunities to improve security, health care, management, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, medical equipment, and education, and stimulate inclusive economic growth.

  1. To encourage and assist the development and growth of craft industries in the villages including cottage and small and medium enterprises.
  2. To create an ecosystem that will foster and support innovation, incubation and knowledge-based entrepreneurship amongst the community, leading to the creation of wealth and social value through successful ventures. To promote entrepreneurship in all fields including management, science, technology, medicine and agriculture. To provide technical, managerial and human resource training and to assist in getting finances form venture capitalists, Angel Funding and other financial Government Non-Government and international- institutions.
  3. To provide, guide, educate and to create health awareness program and to promote Health Care Centre, hospitals for the underprivileged public and to reduce poverty in India, by carrying on the business of providing microfinance and providing credit, to the poor section of the population for their socio-economic development in sustainable manner and providing credit to persons belonging to poorer sections either individually or joined together as self-help groups, not with the motive of profit. To manufacture and develop various surgical equipment’s such as bio medical equipment’s, medical devices, Orthopaedic implants etc.
  4. To provide educational support to poor students belonging to economically disadvantaged, child laborers, disabled, orphans. To provide Research and development supports to enterprises in various fields such as molecular research and development etc., with the objective of job creation at regional and national level. To impart training, education and extension services in all fields including Management, science, technology, medicine and agriculture for the benefit of the prospective and existing entrepreneur.
  5. To organize forums, seminars, webinars, camps etc. for spreading good living habits. Moral values, culture, and methods of developing self-confidence etc. and to promote centres throughout the country for the above activities.
  6. To promote innovation-based enterprises also, to support, and identify technologies and Innovations, those have potential for commercial ventures To engage in the task of development and empowerment of economically backward sections, in particular poor from the under privileged categories and communities and to establish, setup, conduct, aid, help or otherwise support agencies engaged in the aforesaid tasks.
  7. To provide primary health care to slum dwellers at a nominal cost, if and when required, and to make it accessible to all by providing the same at their doorsteps with particular attention to the child health care, adolescent girls, women and to  create  health awareness among the underprivileged children, girls and women. To provide support to the sick, disabled and diseased people by helping them in treatment and other support. guide, educate and to create health awareness program and to make, develop, build, promote Health Care Centre for the underprivileged public
  8. To carry on any business activities relating to the provisions of Electronic Commerce services to Business Organizations either directly or through collaboration, joint venture, or under licenses and/ or trade agreements. E-mail services, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Enhanced telefax Services, Electronic Information Services i.e., database Services to support commercial exchanges, other intercompany network applications and for the above purposes, to establish, in India, Messaging backbone network interconnecting different parts of the country in a phase manner and to import such hardware, software and/ or technology from time to time as may be required.
  9. To work towards the creation of a just and equitable society, empowerment of the poor and marginalized communities through Trade and Commerce.
  10. We support and develop the Arts and Culture sector and organizations so they can become more enterprising and see how being more business-like can bring economic success and longevity. We achieve this through skills development, advice, mentoring, workshops, self-help groups and networks.
  11. To create public awareness and participation in the Social and Economic upliftment of the Society through Charity.
  12. To carry Social Welfare activities such as Health Care, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation, Housing Assistance and Child Care Assistance etc. to Individuals and Families in need.
  13. To work in the area of Environment Protection and Conservation by creating awareness regarding Environmental Pollution and Environmental Degradation and its effects on Human Health, Social Setup and Economy.
  14. Providing quality Education to the underprivileged children & orphans. Promoting awareness towards a sound health among the children. Facilitating vocational training to the children to reduce their skill gap which will help them in either getting employed or start their own enterprise.
  15. To establish Sport and Development Community to share knowledge, build good practice, coordinate with others and create partnerships. To make a future where sport is seen as an essential tool in international development and its effectiveness is further enhanced by the cooperation of actors divided by geography but united by shared values.
  16. The doing of all such other lawful things as considered necessary for the furtherance of the above objects. Provided that the company shall not support with its funds, or endeavour to impose on, or procure to be observed by its members or others, any regulation or restriction which, as an object of the company, would make it a trade union

Boundparivar Microservices Foundation, an emerging microfinance organization & is a not for profit company incorporated under Company Act. Since inception KMSF has been working relentlessly in shaping its journey by providing micro financial services to poor and economically weaker section households in urban and rural areas in Jharkhand. The company has distributed many micro loans and services in rural areas of Jharkhand. KMSF was established by a team of senior and experienced professionals who were well- aware with the asymmetry and challenges existing between formal and informal sources of credit and how aspirations of disadvantaged group were not addressed.

Kalyan literally means ‘Fortunate’. Kalyan signifies and envisions that the economically poor would be capacitated to enable them to bring about the economic well-being of their family by themselves. Kalyan strives to reach to needy and poorest of poor women / small business units and provide them a platform to help them reach the state of better economic condition and enhance their quality of life and social status both in the family and society.


Boundparivar Microservice Foundation “Every customer is valuable to us. Our first priority is to provide their services and to help our customers financially in a humble and responsible manner. To develop a beautiful financial industry, to develop socially and to make ourselves financially successful and transformed. Financially secure organization. We are a committed We aim to create value for all customers through teamwork, strong policies and unique technology. "


Boundparivar Microservice Foundation “Our target is to be a dependable organization for all time. Our only goal is to meet everyone's expectations. We will always work together for social and economic development. We want to be your main economic supporter. We're determined to do all our We want to be a world-class finance company, which will make a name for itself as a company that provides convenient and affordable financial services to all, regardless of the human race. Every poor people who are financially backward, want to make them financially strong. And to be able to take this service provide to every corner of the world. That's our main goal. "


Boundparivar Microservices Foundation. Believe that the most important factor that provides sustainable competitive advantage in our business is our people. We try to create an environment to attract and nurture them.

Open Communication

We believe in the power of open communication. The 2-way communication culture leads to contribution of ideas and suggestions towards incomparable customer service delivery, unique and diverse product features and continuous process improvement. Trust is earned and preserved through active engagement and collaboration with colleagues, across departments.